The Romanian Institute
of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York

Institutul Roman de Teologie si Spiritualitate Ortodoxa, New York


Proceedings of the Annual Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Symposium
The Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York

The journal Symposium was established in 1993 by Prof. Dr. Theodor Damian and is meant to offer to the public selected papers presented to the annual Ecumenical Theological Symposium organized by the Romanian Institute every first weekend in December. It is an annual publication that appears in the year following the respective symposium.

Starting with the 2019 issue the journal Symposium is not longer a thematic publication

ISSN 1084-0591



Since 2021 the journal has been published under the aegis

of the Romanian Academy of Scientists.


International Editorial Board:

John A. McGuckin (Theology), Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, New York

Oskar Gruenwald (Interdisciplinary Studies) Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, California

Heinz-Uwe Haus (Theater), University of Delaware, Newark

Paul LaChance (Theology) College of St. Elisabeth, New Jersey

Louis Tietje (Ethics, Social Policy) Metropolitan College of New York

Nina Tucci (Literature), University of Houston, Texas

Gloria Possart (Applied Sciences) University of Applied Sciences, Berlin

Ioan N. Rosca (Philosophy) Spiru Haret University, Bucharest

Mihai Himcinschi (Theology), “Dec. 1st 1918” University, Alba Iulia, Romania



Contents and abstracts (click here)


Full text pdf files:

Symposium, Vol. XXX/1, 2023   click here

Theodor Damian, Religion and the Culture of the Internet

Richard Grallo, Transformative Problem-Solving as Mindful Practice

Alexandru Lazăr, Pavel Florenski’s Eschatological Perspective. A Possible Contemporary Response to Christian Universalism

Marianna Papastephanou, Echoes and Sounds of Karl Jasper’s “Limit Situation”

Heinz-Uwe Haus, How to „come in between” - Today’s mind-scape and the „self-other integration” in Euripides’ theatre

Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, The „society of machines” according to Virgil Gheorghiu (1916-1992)

Gabriele Eckart, Haunted by the Past: Wolfgang Hilbig’s Affinity for William Faulkner’s Texts


Book reviews:


Odile Popescu, European Identity and Western Freedom – Notes on a book to strengthen the spiritual defense of the country

(Eds. Johann Frank and Johannes Berchtold, Fundamente von Freiheit und Sicherheit in Europa [Philosophical Foundations of Freedom and Security in Europe] )

Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Volker E. Menze, Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria - the Last Pharaoh and Ecclesiastical Politics in the Later Roman Empire

Symposium, Vol. XXIX/1, 2022    click here

Theodor Damian, Quo Vadis Homo: The Digital Age and the Metaphysical Question

Richard Grallo, Invitation to Self-Knowledge

Inocent-Mária Vladimír Szaniszlo, Do Smart Monkeys Have more Value than Human Babies?

A Cross Section of Theological-Philosophical Reflection on Peter Singer’s Revived Theory of Speciesism and the Place of Man among Other Animals

Horia Ion Groza, Faith and Love in Orthodox Christianity

Valentin Ciorbea and Nicoleta Stanca, Dintr-un Lemn Monastery – A Unique Monastic Complex in Romania

Iuliu-Marius Morariu, Fr. André Scrima’s Activity from France Reflected in Securitate Dossiers


Book reviews:


Heinz-Uwe Haus, Literature to be Explored: Gabriele Eckart’s Novel Vogtland Voices

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Remembering and Historicizing East Germany’s Everyday Life: About Two Eyewitnesses’ Close-Ups

(Richard Zipser, Memoirs of Life in East Germany: Snapshots

Augusto Bordato, DDR. Ricordando la Germania dell’Est. Remembering East Germany)


Iuliu-Marius Morariu, The Role of the Church in the European Union

(Lucian N. Leuștean, The Ecumenical Movement and the Making of the European Community)

Symposium, Vol. XXVIII/1, 2021   click here

Theodor Damian, To be human – to live life fully

Heinz-Uwe Haus, From Text to Stage: Experiences Directing Ancient Greek Drama – Notes On European Identity

Lino Bianco, Buddhist Syllogistic Theory

Iuliu-Marius Morariu, The interest of the Catholic missionaries for the Romanian Lands reflected in the preoccupations of the Accademia di Romania in Rome in the interwar period (1922-1944)

Horia Ion Groza, Saint Paisius Velichkovsky and Paisianism

Stoica Lascu, Contemporary Historiographical Landmarks of the Romanian space between Prut and Dniestr – Bessarabia (1812-1940)

Paul Tseng, Meditate on Psalms

Vasile Mărculeț, Întâistătători ai Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania de la sfârșitul secolului al XIV-lea și începutul secolului al XV-lea [Bishops of the Orthodox Church from Transylvania at the End of the 14th Century and the Beginning of the 15th Century]


Book reviews

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Heinrich Mann: Ein politischer Träumer

(Günther Rüther,  Heinrich Mann. Ein politischer Träumer. Biographie)


Odile Popescu, Heinz-Uwe Haus and Theatre Making in Cyprus and Greece

(Heinz-Uwe Haus and Theatre Making in Cyprus and Greece, ed. by Heinz-Uwe Haus and Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe)

Symposium, Vol. XXVII/1, 2020  click here

Theodor Damian, The Rescue of the Self: Man’s Metaphysical Vocation and the Dignity of Being in Relation

Bradley Nassif, “Authority” in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Does Wisdom Accompany Suffering?

Aurel M. Cazacu, The Critique of Rhetoric in Plato’s Dialogues

Ion Pachia Tatomirescu, The Righteous Zalmoxian Donares > Dunăre of Dacia (Aethicus Ister), The Cosmography…

N. Georgescu, Din nou despre debutul lui Eminescu


Book reviews

Theodor Damian, Rediscovering the Old Fundamental Values

(William J. Byron, The Power of Principles: Ethics for the New Corporate Culture)


Odile Popescu, Of Brecht's Effectiveness in the US

(Heinz-Uwe Haus and Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe (eds.), Heinz-Uwe Haus and Brecht in the USA. Directing and Training Experiences)


Theodor Codreanu, Ioan-Aurel Pop: „Stăpâna noastră”

(Ioan-Aurel Pop, Veghea asupra limbii române)


Theodor Damian, Dan Toma Dulciu, Eminescu: Fascinaţia prezentului


Symposium, Vol. XXVI/1, 2019  click here

Theodor Damian, Relativism: The Erosion of Objectivity. The Truth is in the “Eye” of the Beholder  

Doru Tsaganea, The Indispensable Nation - Current Significance and Foreign Policy Implications

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Brecht’s “Use Value” and Aristotle’s “Artistic Proofs

Stoica Lascu, The Balkan Romanians – Descendants and Representatives of Eastern Romanity

Anca Sîrghie, Identitatea națională românească în poezia lui Mihai Eminescu

Marius Iuliu Morariu/ Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Universul carceral al comunismului românesc reflectat în mărturiile lui Nicolae Steinhardt şi Demostene Andronescu

Symposium, Vol. XXV/1, 2018    click here

Nation and Identity: Reconciling the Traditional Sense of Belonging with the Globalist Tendencies of Current Post-Culturalism

Theodor Damian, Time and Transcendence: Ethical Values in Theological Perspective  

Richard Grallo, Insights and Illusions about Personal Identity

Louis Tietje, Driverless Cars: A New Occasion for the Trolley Problem

Doru Tsaganea, Nation, Nationalism and Nation State in Historical Perspective

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Redefining Identity: European Unification as Transcultural Challenge

Ioan Valentin Istrati, The Virgin and the Spirit. A Theological Reflection

Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Imaginea părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae în viziunea Sandei Stolojan

Symposium, Vol. XXIV/1, 2017           click here

Knowledge and Enchantment: A World without Mystery?


Adele Weiner, Enchantment and Technology

Theodor Damian, Sing a New Song to the World: The Never Ending Enchantment

Humphrey Crookendale, Does Knowledge Mask Truth and Reality?

Richard Grallo, Epictetus in the City

Louis Tietje, Equality of Opportunity and Social Justice

Doru Tsaganea, From this Enchantment to Re-enchantment in Theoretical Physics

Alina Feld, David G,. Leahy’s Novitas Mundi: The Good News of a World Renewed

David Rosner, The Artificial Enchantment of the World

Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae în viziunea Monicăi Lovinescu


Symposium, Vol. XXIII/1, 2016  (click here) 

Cultural Transparency and the Loss of Privacy in the Era of Digital Technology:

How Is This Shaping Our Becoming and the Ethical Dilemmas Related to It


Theodor Damian, Being Constantly Watched: Identity, Transparency and Perichoresis

Richard Grallo, The Role of Beleif in Problem Solving
Alina Feld
, The Digital Age and the Transparency of Evil: Jean Baudrillard’s “Perfect Crime”
Camelia Suruianu, The Hazard of Paul Sterian’s Life
Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Elemente ale spiritualității ortodoxe în opera literară a lui Virgil Gheorghiu
(Elements of Orthodox Spirituality in the Literary Works of Virgil Gheorghiu)


Symposium, Vol. XXII, 2015  (click here)

Remembering Peace: Justice, and Forgiveness in a Time of War


Theodor Damian, Errare Humanum Est. Absolvere Divinum

Clair McPherson, The Agnus Dei Penny: Artifact of Christian Peace

Richard Grallo, Four Functions of Experience in Human Learning

Doru Tsaganea, The Ukrainian Conflict and Christian Moral Values

Alina Feld, Welcoming the Stranger: Richard Kearney’s Anatheism

Elvin T. Ramos, The Practice of Peace and the Engagement of Social Justice Through Education During the Never Ending Global War on Poverty

Ana Chelariu, Jesus’ Curse of the Fig Tree (New Testament) and The Bráhman of Two Birds in a Fig Tree (Rig Veda), Parables of Teaching

Jean Bodin, The Tragic Sense of Life or We Are Left with Self : Theatrical Roots Re-Visited

Ierom. Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Mântuirea adusă de Hristos prin întreita Sa slujire de Învăţător - Prooroc, Arhiereu (jertfă supremă) şi Împărat, în teologia părintelui Dumitru Stăniloae

Răzvan Emanuel Fibişan, Metoda tipologică de interpretare, ca viziune ciclică a mersului anagogic al tradiţiei credale



Symposium, Vol. XXI, 2014  (click here)

Vivat Academia! How Post-Modern Rhetoric Shapes Our Understanding of Modern and Pre-Modern Values


Theodor Damian, How Can Transcendence Help Reinvent Ourselves?

Richard Grallo, On Seeking Understanding

Louis Tietje and Steven Cresap, The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard in Matthew 20: 1-16: A Story about Justice of Mercy?

Steven Cresap, Advocacy in the Mission Statement: What Academics Should Do about Institutional Partisanship

Elvin T. Ramos, The Rhetoric of Hope: Illuminating the Reality of the World’s Poor and the Role of Religious Charities

Paul J. LaChance, Focusing in Aid of Psychic Conversion

Bert Breiner, Al-Ghazali’s Deliverance from Error. The Contemporary Relevance of a Medieval Text

Hans Uwe Haus, Notes on Goethe’s Faust

Gabriela Munteanu, Despre cauzele şi sensul suferinţei

Symposium, Vol XX, 2013  (click here)

Time, Place and Self in Interdisciplinary Narratives

Theodor Damian, The Transcendent Dimension of Place and Time: A Theological Narrative.

Richard Grallo, Truth in Perspective: Application of Interrogative Problem Representation.

Louis Tietje, The Role of Redemptive Narratives in Dan P. McAdams’s Theory of Personality: A Christian Critique.

Clair McPherson, Poor in Paradise: The Ascetical vision of Nilus of Ancyra in De Voluntaria Paupertate.

Paul J. LaChance, Experience of Self and God: Gestalt and Focusing Interventions in Pastoral Counseling.

Roland Clark, Orthodox Priests and the Legion of the Archangel Michael.

Steven Cresap, Frightening Habits: Existential Effects of Extreme Aesthetic Experiences.

Doru Tsaganea, The Concept of Time Associated with Cybernetic Systems.

Dean Vasil, Descendants of Pascal and Dostoievsky: European Critics of Technocracy.

Alina Feld, The Self as Temporalized Being: From Heidegger to Levinas.

Symposium, Vol. XIX, 2012 (click here)

Alienation and Authenticity in Environments of the 21st Century: Technology, Person and Transcendence


Theodor Damian, Man as Divine Gift: The Transcendent Character of Human Identity

Richard Grallo, Digital Technology and Transcendence

Louis Tietje, The Phenomenology of Sin: What Lutheran Theology Can Teach the Unbeliever

Mihai Himcinschi, Homo Technicus as Contemporary Missionary Challenge

Steven Cresap, The Morality of Mayhem

Paul J. LaChance, Authenticity and Education: Bellah on Formation, Critical Thinking and Existential Engagement

George Lazaroiu and Ramona Mihaila, The New Logic of Social Media

Gheorghe Dinu, Direct Consequences of EU Regulations on National Courts

Mihnea Drumea, New Liabilities for Persons According to the 2011 Romanian Labor Code Provisions

Alina Feld, Transcendent Man

Onorina Botezat, EU Legal English in a Multilingual Environment

Nicolae Nicolescu, The Concept of Eros and Agape in the Works of the Holy Fathers and the Concept of Philia in the Thought of Father Pavel Florensky the Martyr

Sergey Trostyanskiy, The Issue of Personal Identity in the Light of Social and Cosmic Evil; The Patristic Response to the 21st Century Issues of Theological Anthropology

Cristian Dima, NBFI Factoring Market: A New Service in the Romanian Economic Environment”

Alina Botezat, Increasing Persons’ Immunology with Bio-R Treatment



Symposium, Vol. XVIII/1, 2011  (click here)

Meaning and Mystery: From the Philosophy of Knowledge to the Theology of Person

Theodor Damian, Encoding and Decoding Messages: The Interplay between Apophatic and Cataphatic in the Art of Communication

Richard Grallo, Contemplating the Past

Nicolai Buga, The Mystery of the Person in Fr. Staniloae’s Theology

Paul J. LaChance, Sociology of Knowledge and Social Grace

Alina Feld, Radical Theology or the Deconstruction of Christianity: Jean-Luc Nancy’s “Dis-closure”

George Lazaroiu, Richard Swinburne: The Nature of God and the Problem of Evil

Daniel Munteanu, Human Being as Imago Trinitatis: Main Aspects of the Trinitarian Concept of Person

Daniel Damian, Know Thyself: A Psychological Perspective

Nicolae Nicolescu, Sacred Mystery and Church Service: A Christological and Anthropological Investigation


Symposium, Vol. XVII/1, 2010 (click here)

Religion and Politics: The Human Society between the Power of God and the Power of Man

Theodor Damian, Human Identity and Dignity: The Fight Between Theology and Madness      

John A. McGuckin, Orthodoxy and Culture

Richard Grallo, Problem Representation in Active Problem Solving

Ioan N. Rosca, La religion dans le contexte des valeurs politiques démocratiques

Alina Feld, Nietzsche, this Forgetful, Musical Socrates

George Lazaroiu, Political Theology as Theological Politics



Symposium, Vol. XVI/1, 2009

Cult and Culture: The Transcendental Roots of Human Civilization

George Alexe, Thracian Origin of the Byzantine and Romanian Sacred Music

Richard Grallo, Questioning as a Cognitive Process: Implications for Learning and Culture

Mircea Itu, Mircea Eliade’s Concept of History of Religions

Theodor Damian, Cultural and Spiritual Signs of the Time: With or Without Post-Modernism?

George Robert Lazaroiu, Wittgenstein’s Notion of the Factual Status of Religious Language

Livio Dimitriu, The Structure of the Cross: Tectonics of the Symbol

Paul J. LaChance,Eclipse of God. Voegelin and Lonergan on Constitutive Meaning. Reflections on the Spiritual Renaissance in Post-Communist Romania

Viorica Colpacci, The Aesthetic of the Sacred Art


Symposium, Vol. XV/1, 2008  (click here)

Theology and Literature: The Deification of Imagination and Its Cathartic Function in Spiritual Growth

Richard Grallo, Image and Imagination as Components of Learning

Bert F. Breiner, Imagination and Science Fiction

Theodor Damian, A Poet of the Transcendent: Mihail Crama, "The Realm of Dusk"

Carmen Harra, Understanding  your Spiritual  Nature

Ali Shehzad Zaidi, The Mythical Dream Voyage in “The Cobbles of Hydra”



Symposium, Vol. XIV/1, 2007 (click here)

The Glory of Knowledge: Construction and Deconstruction. When Human Quest Ends in Apophasis

Theodor Damian, The Transcendence of God According to St. Gregory of Nyssa: Continuity and Discontinuity with the Thought of Origen. How is God Known?

Richard Grallo, The Absence of Question and Insight in Accounts of Knowledge

Doru Tsaganea,The Concept of Infinity in Mathematics, Philosophy and Religion

Constantin Lucian Pirjol, Stickiness. What Makes Knowledge Transfer Difficult

Gloria Possart, Challenges of the Knowledge Society

Daniel Damian, Evagrius Ponticus: Gnosis as Contemplation


Symposium, Vol. XIII/1, 2006  (click here)   

Unity in Diversity: Can We Live Together in an Apocalyptic World?

George Alexe, Toward Theandric Restoration of the Divine Unity of the World in the Light of Its Secular and Biblical Apocalypse

Richard Grallo, Learning, Functional Interferences and Personality Dynamics in Contemporary Context

Mihaela Albu, National Identity and European Diversity. A Case Study: Romania

Gale Bellas, Identity, Otherness and Reconciliation in a Pre-Apocalyptic World

Steven Cressap, Apocalypse Wow! The Aesthetic Value of Catastrophes and Terror

Theodor Damian, The Day of the Lord: The Apocalyptic Dimension of the Old Testament Prophets’ Warnings

Gregory Jose, Aspects of the Apocalyptic World: Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Mudslides, and Their Aftermath in the New Millennium



Symposium, Vol. XII/1, 2005 (click here)   

Globalization from A (Archaeology) to S (Sprituality): What Is It and Who Needs It?

George Alexe, A Contemporary Dilemma: Globalizing Religion or Spiritualizing Globalization.

Bert F. Breiner, Some Thoughts on Globalization and the "Clash of Civilizations"

Steven Cressap, Globalization and Entertainment: Three Phases of Mass Virtual Pleasure

Richard Grallo, Global Change: Prospects for Plutocracy on a “Learning Planet”

Theodor Damian, Globalization as Reconstruction of the World: The Theological Value of Recapitulation.

Vadim Moldovan,  “Vertical Solidarity” vs. Capitalism: A Social Work Perspective on Globalization



Symposium, Vol. XI/1, 2004  (click here) 

Science and Theology: New Challenges and Perspectives

George Alexe, Postmodern Science and Theology: New Scientific Temptations and Challenges versus Ecumenical and Theological Perspectives.

Bert F. Breiner, Consciousness, God and the New Physics

Richard Grallo, Religion and Contemporary Science as Quest

Theodor Damian, Science and Religion: The Transcendent Ground of Order

Napoleon Savescu, Religion versus Science

Mihai Vinereanu, Linguistic Contributions to the Understanding of the Early Christian Lexicon of the Romanian Language



Symposium, Vol. X/1, 2003  (click here)  

Contemporary Culture in the Light of Christian Spirituality at the Beginning of the Third Millennium

Secular Realities and Spiritual Perspectives

George Alexe, Contemporary Culture in the Light of Christian Spirituality at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: Secular Realities and Spiritual Perspectives.

Richard Grallo, How to Think about Culture

Theodor Damian, Globalization: Between Fear and Joy. The Future of Religion

Daniela Anghel, Contemporary Culture between Real and Ideal.



Symposium, Vol. IX/1, 2002  (click here)

Prayer as Theology of the Mind and of the Heart for the Humanity in the New Millennium

George Alexe, Apanthisma and the Humanity in the New Millennium

Richard Grallo, Questioning, Contemplation, and Receptivity to What Is

Nicholas Groves, The End Is in the Beginning: the Human Person According to St. John Climachus

Bert F. Breiner, Christian Prayer for the Third Millennium: the Prayer of the Spirit in Us

Theodor Damian, Psalm 103: Doxology as Philosophy of Life. Historico-critical Exegesis and Theological Interpretation



Symposium, Vol. VIII/1, 2001  (click here)   

Humanity in the Third Millennium and the Mystery of the Divine

Vasile Vasilachi, Who Is God and Who Is Man?

George Alexe, Humanity in the Third Millennium in the Light of the Divine Mystery

Richard Grallo, Human Strivings and their Ultimate Goals: A Psychological Viewpoint     

Eugen Pentiuc, The Tetragrammaton. From Revelation to Mystery

Bert F. Breiner, Incarnation, Deification and Interfaith Dialogue

Theodor Damian, The Relation Between the Incomprehensibility of God and the Naming of God in the Theology of Pseudo-Dionysius



Symposium, Vol. VII/1, 2000  (click here) 

Jesus Christ as the Theandric Paradigm of Man’s Restoration at the Dawn of the Third Millennium

George Alexe, Jesus Christ as the Theandric Paradigm of Man’s Restoration at the Dawn of the New Millennium.

Bruce Buglione, Theandric Explorations in Higher Education

Elena de Avila, Faith in Jesus Christ and Self-Esteem

Theodor Damian, Man’s Recapitulation in Christ According to St. Irenaeus and Its Significance for Our Life Today

Eugen Pentiuc, Above All His Friends: Ambiguity of Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament.

Constantin Tennyson, Science and Religion in the Context of Jesus Christ’s Teaching.



Symposium, Vol. VI/1, 1999

The Theological Legacy of Fr. Dumitru  Stăniloae and its Ecumenical Actuality

George Alexe, Together with Fr. Staniloae on the Theological Mainline of the Romanian Orthodoxy and Ethnicity

Ronald G. Roberson CSP, Ecumenism in the Thought of Dumitru Staniloae

Theodor Damian, The Theology of the Gift in Fr. Staniloae’s Synthesis

Eugen Pentiuc, Principles of Biblical Hermeneuts in Fr. Staniloae’s Theology

Ioan Ionita, The Spiritual and Cultural Significance of Fr. Staniloae’s Visit to America

Lucian Turcescu, Communion Ecclesiologies According to Some Orthodox Theologians



Symposium, Vol. V/1, 1998

Rediscovering God:  The Relation Between God and Man and its Significance for Our Life Today

George Alexe, The Image of Modern Man without the Likeness of God according to Fr. Staniloae’s Theology

Theodor Damian, The Concept of Imago Dei in St. Gregory of Nyssa’s Theology and its Significance for our Life today

Eugen Pentiuc , That Good Which Is in Us: A Few Insights in the God-Man Relationship in the Book of Hosea

Serban Andronescu, Rejection of God in Modern Society: Counter-Culture, Secular Humanism, New Age



Symposium, Vol. IV/1, 1997  

Freedom and Responsibility in Contemporary Society

Richard Viladesau STD, Freedom and Responsibility in Contemporary Catholic Systematics

Dumitru Abrudan, Election and Obedience. Aspects of the Relation between Yahweh and Israel

Theodor Damian, The Concept of Freedom in Nicholas Berdiaev’s Philosophy

Thomas E. Schirmer, “Freedom from” and “Freedom for”



Symposium, Vol. III/1, 1996     

Divine Creation and Human Responsibility in the Context of Contemporary Ecological Preoccupations

Theodor Damian, The Doctrine of Creation in Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite’s Theology

Eugen Pentiuc , Shepherds of the Seventh Day

John Blackwell, The Lordship of Christ and a Christian Responsibility toward Creation

Thomas Schirmer, Rogation and Ascension

Antony Sansone, Creation - God's Covenant with His Chosen People

Constantin Tennyson, Ethical Considerations Related to Ecology

Serban Andronescu, An Ecologist of Morals in XVIIth Century France: Blaise Pascal


Symposium, Vol. II/1, 1995 

Quo Vadis Homo? Salvation and the Modern World

Elena de Avila, What is Salvation? - Is Salvation a Topic of Interest in our Culture?

Dick Wechter, The Cross as a Cultural Symbol of Salvation

Theodor Damian, Contemporary Orthodox Soteriology

Luís Avila, What do we do Everyday for our Salvation?



Symposium, Vol. I/1, 1994    

Worship and Identity of our Contemporary Society

Dick Wechter, Spirituality of the Liturgy

Theodor Damian, The Liturgy between Chronos and Kairos in our post-modern society as an urgent issue of the Church

Benjamin Patterson, The Universality of the Liturgy

and abstracts, pdf

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Vol. XVI, 2009
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Vol. XIV, 2007

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Vol. XIII, 2006

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Vol. XI, 2004

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Vol. IX, 2002

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